pondělí 11. září 2017

Jak odstranit údaje platební karty z Aliexpress

Aliexpress má snahu pamatovat si údaje o platebních kartách. Nikdy jsem si je u nich nenechal uložit, nicméně při jedné platbě mi to začalo samo "pomáhat".

Jak tedy odstranit zapamatované údaje platební karty z účtu u Aliexpress:


Nezbývá, než věřit, že se to opravdu odstraní a nějaký šikula to nezneužije.

How to Remove Credit Card detail or Payment Information from AliExpress
This feature has been added for user’s benefit to make the payment easily, but some of them are too sensitive about such things. So they may want to remove the Credit Card if they have added mistakenly. If you visit AliExpress.Com, you will not find any option that can help you remove Payment Information. Follow these steps to do so;
  • list itemVisit this link; https://intl.alipay.com/user/queryUserBindCard.htm
  • list itemYou will be asked to log in to your Aliexpress account with your ID and Password, so please log in to get the options
  • list itemLast 4 digits of your card and your Name will appear there, Click on Remove button now
  • list itemOne Popup window will appear to confirm if you really want to remove, Confirm clicking on Remove again

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